Painting - 'Pentecost' by Jean II Restout, 1732. Louvre Museum. Wikimedia Commons.

What Is Renaissance Through The Arts?

By Robin & James Capers

Imagine groups of artists who are truly united as one in mind, heart, and Spirit, and who work together with a common purpose and for the common good of all. Imagine theater or cinema as a place to experience the Presence of God. Imagine watching a play where emotional wounds, physical impairments, and diseases are supernaturally healed. Imagine attending an art exhibition or music festival where signs, wonders, and miracles abound. That is Renaissance Through The Arts—and you can be a part of it! (Please Contact Robin to find out more.)

A cultural shift known as Humanism emerged in a world where man became the center of his own universe.

Renaissance Past

The 14th century Renaissance began in Florence, Italy as a “rebirth” of classic Greek and Roman “cultural, artistic, political and economic” growth through science and art (¶1). It was a time of progress, inventions, and new ways of thinking. “Great Italian writers, artists, politicians and others declared that they were participating in an intellectual and artistic revolution that would be much different from what they experienced during the Dark Ages” (¶11).

Progress brought form and order out of the darkness and oppression of the Roman Catholic Church’s medieval societies. Enlightenment even illuminated some within The Church and led to questioning Church doctrine. The most notable example is Martin Luther.

‘Luther at Erfurt’ - Martin Luther discovering the doctrine of Justification by Faith
Luther at Erfurt – Martin Luther discovering the doctrine of Justification by Faith, 1861, Joseph Noel Paton (1821–1901).
Scottish National Gallery.
The invention of Gutenberg’s printing press illuminated the masses by paving the way to literacy for commoners. The distribution of reading materials improved human communication. Information spread rapidly—whether it was true or false.

A cultural shift known as Humanism emerged in a world where man became the center of his own universe, people embraced human achievements, and wealthy citizens supported emerging artists. The Protestant Reformation was a byproduct of both the Renaissance and Humanism. Sounds wonderful, right?

Yes and no.

Picture of 'Martin Luther in the Circle of Reformers', artist unknown. German School, 1625-1650. Wikimedia Commons.
Martin Luther in the Circle of Reformers, artist unknown, German School, 1625-1650.

Individuals began to cast off the restrictions and constraints of Church-dictated propaganda and think “outside the box” that had imprisoned them.

By the beginning of the Renaissance, Catholicism had divided into a few dozen branches; however, they all stayed within a predetermined, common doctrinal platform. Due to the humanist move to individualism, the availability of the printed word, and the introduction of different modes of education, which included universities, Western minds were liberated from the controls of the one, state religion of Roman Catholicism.

Studying the reasoning and rhetoric of Classical Greek philosophers and Roman Statesmen resulted in an increase in knowledge, discoveries, and new developments. Individuals began to cast off the restrictions and constraints of Church-dictated propaganda and think “outside the box” that had imprisoned them. Some of those new thinkers started translating biblical manuscripts. On the one hand, this was beneficial, and on the other hand a problem was created by the education levels and language skills of the translators, which resulted in different translations of ancient words. Sometimes concepts were created or borrowed and words were purposely mistranslated to support the organized religious doctrine of ‘Church’. More on that in a later article.

Not only did most of the translators and those who read their translations see scriptures differently from the doctrinal teachings of The Church, they also saw those same scriptures differently from each other. Likewise, scripture often was (and still is) taken out of the context and culture of the time it was written, often to “prove” someone’s wishes and/or teaching or defend their sins. Although they became the Protestant Reformers, they also became the creators of different doctrines or systems of religious thought. This produced schisms that resulted in numerous denominations.

Nonetheless, most artists derived their income from commissions paid by The Church, governments, royalties, aristocrats, and the wealthy. Those artists and others may also have been provided for by a wealthy patron who supported them and usually supplied them with a studio and artistic materials. This environment placed the work of artists under the control of their patrons. Much of the artwork was created as a form of propaganda.

Renaissance Present

Progress and inventions are good such as household appliances, automobiles, airplanes, and electronic technology. However, we still are byproducts of the Renaissance Past. What began with the Protestant Reformers has escalated into much division, countless religious denominations (current estimates are as high as 47,000 Protestant denominations, although that number appears extreme), and even religious wars. Religious doctrines and propaganda have included traditions of men, distortions, deceptions, false doctrines, and outright lies.

All of this has been fomented and perpetuated by the enemy of God and our souls. The result is lawlessness, religious leaders who place themselves in a hierarchy above others, masses of naive people who accept teachings and rhetoric without question, humans idolizing other humans, artists dependent on others, and wealthy citizens who control it all.

Renaissance Future

There is a new cultural shift, spiritual “rebirth,” or renaissance of times past that is visible on the horizon and drawing near. Now, there is a rebirth or restoration of the Way of our Messiah, when He walked the earth.

Painting - 'Pentecost' by Jean II Restout, 1732. Louvre Museum. Wikimedia Commons.
Pentecost, Jean II Restout, 1732, Louvre Museum.

It begins with artists and their communications through the arts. It calls for facilitators. It requires venues. This is a Renaissance Through The Arts, which is the purpose of this site. Has God called you to be a part of it?

If so, please contact Robin on our Contact page to find out more. Thanks!

Robin & James

Up Next! “Renaissance Present



Robin Capers

Robin Capers, MFA, Writer-Producer, has a business background and owned and operated her own service-related small business for more than 14 years. She returned to college, after raising her family, and discovered her passion for the arts, while studying the Renaissance and the Enlightenment in both her undergrad and graduate coursework. Her discovery that creative works of art often contain symbols with meanings excited and motivated her to pursue visual art as her avenue to fulfill God’s Call on her life.

Playwright Certification

In 2020, Robin earned her Playwright Certification through The TheaterMakers Studio. In 2013, she graduated from Regent University with her MFA in Script and Screenwriting and went on to study producing at the Theater Producer Academy. She holds a Bachelor of Science with concentrations in Professional Communication and Theater Arts. In 2009, she graduated summa cum laude from Eastern Oregon University and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa and Pinnacle Honor Society. In 2005, she earned a Professional Certificate in Hospitality and Tourism Management.

As Social Entrepreneur, Robin writes prophetic plays that focus on social issues. Her oeuvre to date consists of two full-length stage plays and two full-length screenplays with themes of faith, hope, love, and miracles. Her current short film project, MARTYR FOR TRUTH, is adapted from her full-length screenplay, DAUGHTER OF DESTINY. Presently, Robin is developing Renaissance Through The Arts.


James Capers

James Capers, Writer-Project Advisor, is eldest son of a pastor-evangelist who operated in ALL Gifts of the Holy Spirit after his life-to-death-to-life experience. James holds a Bachelor of Science with concentrations in Professional Communication, Computer Science & Multimedia. In 2013, he graduated summa cum laude from Eastern Oregon University as member of Phi Theta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, and Pinnacle Honor Society.

James studied computer science in the early 1970s and worked for more than 17-years at the Boeing Company in various creative and analyst positions. After his military service, James trained professionally as a Radio Broadcaster in the Seattle area where he worked as Announcer, Writer, and Production Manager. Presently, his interests involve the Internet, social media, blogging, design, and mixed media art where his training from the past comes together with the technology of today.



James is Co-Founder of Neo Renaissance Theatre, Renaissance Through The Arts, Scroll N Pen, The Gathering, and Victorious Life Ministries. James is Founder of Prophetic Artistries, Revelation Art, and Understanding Dreams and Visions. James also writes, blogs, teaches, speaks, researches, interprets dreams and visions, publishes, and creates art.

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Renaissance Present
